Overview of course and instructor background
• Video Runtime: 1m 20s
A brief history of MonoGame from XNA to it's current framework
• Video Runtime: 3m 27s
Software to download
• Video Runtime: 7m 56s
A little show and tell of the types of games we will develop
• Video Runtime: 14m 38s
Using the Form Paint Method
• Video Runtime: 19m 58s
We learn how to draw on a Panel control and scroll its contents
• Video Runtime: 19m 46s
Practice your skills ...Create a C# program which displays a Checkerboard
• Video Runtime: 17m 3s
Create a drawing program which incorporates MouseDown,Up and Move events
• Video Runtime: 19m 18s
Create applications incorporating the mouse , ArrayLists and Classes
• Video Runtime: 19m 51s
We create a program which simulates a Drag and Drop application ...then you create your own.
• Video Runtime: 10m 14s
Learn the basics of creating a simple animated figure
• Video Runtime: 18m 54s
Create your own frame by frame animations
• Video Runtime: 20m 0s
We create a simple Dice Roll Game and a Slot Machine Game
• Video Runtime: 13m 31s
We make our objects move across the screen and bounce off the wall.
• Video Runtime: 17m 37s
You create a simple two car race ...with some hints (help) of course!
• Video Runtime: 13m 55s
We learn another way to move objects across and up and down the screen
• Video Runtime: 19m 16s
We learn how to create transparent gifs and pngs
• Video Runtime: 14m 22s
We learn how to determine in C# when two objects have collided.
• Video Runtime: 19m 59s
We learn how to incorporate sound effects into a C# program
• Video Runtime: 15m 1s
We learn how to create a simple falling objects game ...then it's your turn
• Video Runtime: 19m 54s
We learn how to incorporate Double Buffering to reduce animation flicker.
• Video Runtime: 16m 54s
We learn how to use the mouse on a panel
• Video Runtime: 13m 56s
We learn about the concept of scrolling and how to incorporate it into a simple game
• Video Runtime: 11m 35s
We learn about the basic game loop and how game development is driven by polling for events using a series of simple games
• Video Runtime: 19m 34s
We work through the creation of a Space Shooter Game and leave you with the challenge to create your own C# game.
• Video Runtime: 13m 20s
We learn to use the MonoGame Windows Project Template
• Video Runtime: 7m 12s
We learn about the Pipeline Tool and adding Assets
• Video Runtime: 4m 25s
We learn about using Texture2D instance variables and drawing using the SpriteBatch
• Video Runtime: 12m 0s
We introduce the concept of motion using the Vector2 class and the Update Method.
• Video Runtime: 5m 51s
We learn about Vectors, Vector addition and how to incorporate these concepts to move objects
• Video Runtime: 5m 49s
We learn about screen constraints and create a program which bounces an image off of all 4 walls.
• Video Runtime: 6m 53s
We learn how to create a Sprite Font and the DrawString Command
• Video Runtime: 9m 30s
We learn how to incorporate Background music and Sound Effects in a MonoGame project
• Video Runtime: 16m 4s
Practice placing static images at different locations on the screen
• Video Runtime: 11m 57s
Create a Vector2 object and have image move across the screen
• Video Runtime: 6m 42s
Create a simple animation with an object bouncing off of a four walls and reversing direction.
• Video Runtime: 3m 52s
Implement a BouncingHead class which will eventually lead to a fully Object Oriented implementation of a MonoGame project.
• Video Runtime: 13m 32s
Here we challenge you to add an Update and Draw method to be called from the Main Game
• Video Runtime: 11m 33s
Here we add accessors and mutators for the Position and Velocity of the object and enforce encapsulation.
• Video Runtime: 10m 13s
Here we add one more feature to the class so we can modify the colors of our objects moving across the screen.
• Video Runtime: 5m 2s
We learn how to add a background instead of using the standard blue screen.
• Video Runtime: 7m 9s
Here you are asked to implement a Song Class to play background music.
• Video Runtime: 2m 17s
Here we implement an array of objects to show the power of Object Oriented Programming and arrays ...and have some fun watching a bunch of crazy looking heads bouncing everywhere
• Video Runtime: 13m 28s
We learn how to have an object rotate around a central point and introduce another form of the Draw command which incorporates angles.
• Video Runtime: 9m 20s
We create the amazing Kicking Baby Animation
• Video Runtime: 10m 10s
We learn how to use Texture Sprite Strips, which are single images with multiple textures on it.
• Video Runtime: 15m 45s
We learn how to get player input from the keyboard
• Video Runtime: 14m 53s
We take a look at another simple application of keyboard detection and character movement ...with a twist.
• Video Runtime: 15m 10s
We revisit collision detection and introduce the concept of bounding rectangles and the Intersect property.
• Video Runtime: 14m 32s
We collect our assets and add them via the Pipeline Tool, declare all our variables, load our content, code the draw method.
• Video Runtime: 17m 14s
Here we focus on the Update method and all the necessary logic. We track keyboard movement, update the falling object, check for collisions, update scores, play a sound effect
• Video Runtime: 16m 13s
Didn't want to do the game with me, that's OK ...here is the show and tell version that you can simply watch.
• Video Runtime: 15m 30s
We learn how to get player input from the mouse and then learn how to simulate an explosion when the mouse is clicked at a particular location.
• Video Runtime: 17m 10s
Now we offer you the challenge of creating your first game -- we demo a simple instructor created sample game ...be nice ! ...LOL
• Video Runtime: 19m 57s
We revisit the concept of Game State Management and apply it to a simple game.
• Video Runtime: 6m 3s
First we create a GameObject class which will be used by the main program to create enemies and the cannonballs.
• Video Runtime: 19m 42s
Here we draw the content, create the Update Methods
• Video Runtime: 15m 51s
We complete the game, adding a FireCannonBalls method and then challenge you to create your own game which mirrors the new skills developed in this game.
• Video Runtime: 19m 59s
We learn how to implement a simple side scrolling technique.
• Video Runtime: 7m 51s
We create a vertical scroller that is controlled by the keyboard and learn how to implement the concept of tiling.
• Video Runtime: 14m 24s
We extend our knowledge of scrolling by introducing a rotating shooting object in the center of the screen.
• Video Runtime: 16m 1s
We focus on moving the ship, having it shoot, and drawing the bullets all within the context of a scrolling screen.
• Video Runtime: 16m 53s
We look at a simple game which incorporates vertical scrolling and challenge you to create a new game of the same genre.
• Video Runtime: 19m 0s
We demonstrate a variety of games created by students.
• Video Runtime: 10m 2s
We discuss where to go from here - Unity ? Unreal ?
• Video Runtime: 2m 15s